Indonesian Seagrass Mapping
Seagrass characteristics are being mapped in Indonesia from collaborative efforts by citizen scientists, non-government agencies and universities with funding from the Packard foundation.
Nurul Dhewani Mirah Sjafrie, Pramaditya Wicaksono, Udhi Eko Hernawan Triyono, Doddy M Yuwono, Muhammad Hafizt, Novi Susetyo Adi, Rohani Ambo Rappe, Bayu Prayudha, Muhammad Banda, Selamat Sofia Yuniar Sani Setiawan, Djody Harahap, Huwaida, Nur Salsabila, Jennifer Wijaya, Chris Roelfsema
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional RI (BRIN RI) Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia, Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) Universitas Hasanuddin (Unhas) and The University of Queensland.
2023- 2025
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Ongoing project to map seagrass cover across Indonesia by The Indonesian Seagrass Mapping Partnership, a collaboration between ecologists, mapping scientists, and policy specialists, to produce a standard national seagrass map and mapping framework that can be used by many parties for various purposes. This project began in August 2022 for Phase 1 with the program ‘Develop the National Seagrass Mapping Framework’ and continued in December 2023 for Phase 2 with the program ‘Implementing the Mapping Framework and Producing the National Seagrass One-map'.
Scientific journals
Sjafrie NDM, P Wicaksono, UE Hernawan, DM Yuwono, M Hafizt, N Susetyo Adi, R Ambo-Rappe, B Prayudha, M Banda Selamat, S Yunia Sani, S Djody Harahap, H Nur Salsabila, J Wijaya, C.M. Roelfsema (2023) Network analysis reveals overlapping roles of stakeholders related to seagrass-data provisioning in Indonesia. Marine Policy